Cock O'The North on Farndon Road

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Merry Saturday

I've actually got some modelling done this week. Not much, but every little helps. The Union Mills tender I started to convert from an LMS type into an LNER one is now finished. Results are encouraging enough for me to think seriously about doing another.

Problem with it is that the coal rails round the back should be vertical, which is not how I modelled it. Still, once coupled to a D20 it looks the part rather more than the unrebuilt version did, so I'll leave it and make the back vertical on the next one I do. There's only about a dozen or so, which means plenty of chance to get the final version right! I'll photograph it when the varnish dries and post the result later.

A pair of very old Farish J67s arrived from Alan Cummings courtesy of eBay. The better of the two was already black, so I've removed the crest and relettered it as LNER 7337, which had a spell at Peterbrough at one time.

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