Collected my first replacement B1 from Wendy's yesterday. This is a Dapol one, very few dealers having a Farish one to compare it with yet. I ran it in today, and then tried a haulage test. As you can see I ran out of track, but there are 29 coaches behind the B1 without enough track left to add any more. Not a hint of any slipping.
A close-up of the B1. The lining is a little wide, but the loco itself looks good from this angle. This one is due for a renumber and weathering, which will tone down the lining a lot. Either 61018 Gnu or 61005 Bongo- the second B1 will take the other identity. These were the running numbers of the two Langley B1s i sold on.
Oddly enough the Union Mills D20 we tested on Moorcock Junction only took 28.