Cock O'The North on Farndon Road

Monday, 20 September 2010

Little doing....

Quiet few days, largely as I'm snowed under at work at the moment. I've got a few bits to do and need to get over to Wendy's next weekend to pick up some new Farish locos.

Went to a new exhibition in Hinckley on Sunday, took Simon (Mr Grumpy). He got bored very quickly and sat with a long face while I talked with one or two of the exhibitors. Show was small but well set out- I'd seen all the layouts before but the locals wouldn't have and they would have enjoyed it.

One thing that did seem incongruous (though it might just be me)- ACE Trains O-gauge Duchess class- very nice, and with smoke and digital sound- yet running on coarse scale 3-rail track. Very odd.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Some more small trains

A double-chimney V2 and 9F number 92050. The latter was a notorious leaker and the white
limescale on the boiler was done from a picture of the real thing.

Another couple of weeks gone

What has been happening in the last few weeks? Not writing this up for a start.

First weekend in September was Grantham Model railway Show. Trevor and I, together with Simon and Geoff took Parnhams and had a good weekend. We were runners up in the "favourite layout" poll of visitors, second to "Rowlands Castle", which is a superb layout. I also got trained to operate Graham Dean's "Haltwhistle" layout.

The article on Parnhams in British Railway Modelling has been published, a shame that it came out three days after Grantham show, but at least we can put a sign up at Taunton. Wendy at Total N-gauge has got a free plug, as has Robbie's Rolling stock, so they should both be happy.

I had an email from Paul Martin asking at short notice if I could do a stint on the demonstration stand at the International N-Gauge Show at Leamington on Saturday. This is the first one I've done and I took some locos and wagons and covered basic weathering. Punters seemed more than happy with what they got, and I have more clag applied to some locos. The N-gauge Society seemed happy with the demo so I might get asked back some time.